BKNY Fit Club is here!

Our extended family BKNY Fit Club, run by personal trainer extrodinare Chelsea, has their website up and running!  They offer group fitness classes in Prospect Park throughout the week.  Boot-y Camp, Rutland Warriors, Yoga/Stretch, Cadet Camp, and Sunday Brunch are some of the classes offered.    Chelsea is leading the Boot-y Camps. Master trainer and yoga god Matthew is leading the Rutland Warriors, Yoga/Stretch, and Cadet Camps.  And yours truly (Alex of Active Brooklyn) is teaching the Sunday Brunch class Sundays @ 9am. All fitness levels are welcome!  Check out the website by clicking the link below for more details, and come join us for some outdoor exercise fun.

Gear & Equipment

Get the gear and equipment that the trainers use! In this feature we will review equipment that we ourselves use and feel worthy for our Active Brooklynites.

Kettlebells are all the rage right now. They are great for a full body workout to sculpt and tone every inch of your body. This beginner Kettlebell set is a great value considering just one 10lb Kettlebell can cost $30. They are all black with a plastic coating around the bottom to protect your floors. For a full body workout with minimal equipment, the Kettlebell is definitely the way to go.  And ladies, don't worry... Kettlebell training will make you lean and mean, NOT big and bulky.  Be sure to check back soon for our tutorial video on the Kettlebell swing.


One of the most fundamental training principles is the SAID principle. The body will produce Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands (SAID). In short, you will apply a stimulus to the body (exercise) which causes an adaptation (physical improvement) to occur. The adaptation is simply a response to the stress of the exercise. For the adaptation to occur, the training load must be above normal or be new to the individual. When the exercise no longer presents a challenge, you will not adapt with positive improvements. When you become accustomed to a particular exercise, it is time for a change. This simple philosophy is essential for continuous improvement. When the exercise no longer contributes to improved performance, it is time to move on.

I Want To Ge Fit, But Where Do I Start? Part 2

Now that you have made the commitment to getting fit, you have to be honest with yourself. Being honest with yourself means the focus has to be on you and not on comparing yourself to anyone else.  Be honest with who you are, how your body is composed, and what your abilities and limitations are.  You need to pursue goals that make you happy and improve YOUR quality of life.  Don't try to compare yourself to that photo shopped image in the latest magazine.  Self improvement means that you stop comparing yourself to other people and just be the best you that you can be.