Dr. Oz's 10 Weight Loss Commandments

1.  Thou Shalt Not Wear Pants that Stretch
2.  Thou Shalt Not Keep Fat Clothes in Your Closet
3.  Thou Shalt Not Eat Meat That Walks on Four Legs More Than Once a Week
4.  Thou Shalt Not Graze
5.   Thou Shalt Not Eat After 7:30pm
6.   Thou Shalt Not Pile Food More than 1 Inch High or Within 2 Inches of the Plate Edge
7.   Thou Shalt Not Chew Food Less than 20 Times Per Bite
8.   Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Plate
9.   Thou Shalt Not Carry Small Bills
10. Thou Shalt Not Eat While Standing Up

For the complete article, including delicious low calorie recipes click here:

Eating After A Workout

For the first thirty minutes after a workout your body is still ready to exercise.  Your muscles have been innervated, they are still prepared for exercise and are not ready to begin repairing yet. After thirty minutes, your muscles relax and begin to repair themselves. This is when you would want to consume protein, because protein aids in the muscle rebuilding process. If you consume your post-workout protein 30 min to 1 hour after your workout, you will be helping your muscles rebuild during their prime rebuilding process and maximizing the benefits of the protein you're taking. The post-workout protein can be in the form of a shake, but be sure to read the label because a lot of protein shakes on the market contain high amounts of cholesterol other potentially harmful stuff.

After 2-3 hours, you should consume a regular meal (with protein in it) to continue aiding in the muscle rebuilding process.
 Do not "treat" yourself to sweets or alcohol.  A common mistake is for people to feel like since they worked out they deserve to splurge on junk food. Your muscles will still be crying out for protein and if you feed them sugar or alcohol or heavy carbohydrates you are defeating the purpose of all that hard work you put into exercising and you will essentially be sabotaging your body.